Free and Open Access Policy
The publication is open access, there are no financial, legal or technical barriers to access it. (See at:
Authors are advised to make their articles available in different databases and institutional repositories, to increase the impact of the publication.
Focus and Scope
Authors can submit: scientific articles, partial and final research reports, essays, experience reports and expanded abstracts. The magazine aims to: expand the circulation of knowledge, from a plural perspective in theoretical and methodological terms.
Peer Review Process
The journal adopts the double-blind review system, with a minimum of 2 reviewers per submitted text. A third evaluator-reviewer will be consulted if there is a difference of opinion between the first two.
All texts submitted to this journal will be examined for plagiarism, judged on academic and scientific merit by external evaluators, and authors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of their work.
It is an online scientific journal, with continuous flow and semestry volume.
Code of Ethics
Assuming a commitment to the ethics and quality of publications, we are guided by the principles recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (, thus, we defend an ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication process .
Privacy Policy and Declaration of Knowledge and Consent for the Processing of Personal Data
The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties, according to the current Terms and Conditions of Use (click here and read carefully). We use the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Information about this license can be found at:
File in LOCKSS and CLOKSS system
The LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure safe and permanent archiving of your journal's cache is supported by OJS. LOCKSS is free software developed by the Stanford University Library that allows you to preserve selected online journals by scanning journal pages for newly published content and archiving it. Each file is continually validated against copies from other libraries. In case the content is corrupted or lost, the copies are used for restoration.
Open Journal Systems also supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based on the open source LOCKSS software developed at Stanford University Library that allows libraries to preserve selected regularly registered journals. Each file is continually validated against other records in the library, and if the content is found to be corrupted or lost, the other records or the journal are used to restore it.
Publication fee
This journal does not charge a text submission fee.
This journal charges a fee for publishing texts (charged only after acceptance), R$200.00 - two hundred reais for Brazilian authors or U$200.00 - two hundred dollars for authors from other countries per text to be published. The magazine has digital (online) and printed (physical) publication. Note to authors: within 30 days after online publication, two copies of the printed journal issue will be sent to the address of the 1st author registered in the submission.