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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I am responsible and recognize that the submission is original and authorial, meeting the ethical and moral principles of the magazine, being free from plagiarism and falsehoods, which meets the minimum (10) and maximum (30) number of pages and other publication guidelines. I understand that the magazine only accepts original articles, not published in other journals; Articles presented at events are accepted as long as this information is made available in the comments to the editor. Different types of text will be accepted: experience reports, expanded summaries, articles with partial or complete results, monograph articles, dissertations and theses, theoretical, critical and analytical essays. The article will be published in an online magazine (free and open digital access, and in a limited printed edition - at the end of the academic year and your order can be made through the magazine's own website when the printed version is available), generating two issues of Differentiated ISSN.

Author Guidelines

The guidelines for formatting and preparing originals are:
- Minimum of 10 and Maximum of 30 pages (A4, 2cm margins);
- Languages allowed: English, Spanish and Portuguese;
- Authorship: maximum of 6 authors-co-authors per article;
- Arial font size 12, line spacing 1.5;
- Title and subtitle in English, Spanish and Portuguese (in that order), at the beginning of the file, Arial font size 12 (first letter capitalized; example: New concepts of art: contemporary understandings);
- Abstract (English), Resumen (Spanish) and Summary (Portuguese), in that order; accompanied by key-words, palabras clave and keywords (in that order) all with 1.5 spacing, just below the titles;
- Figures, charts and tables must correspond to the text, editable, in Arial font, size 10, both for the content and for the title (which should appear just above the graphic elements) and citation of the source (which should appear just below of the graphic element).
- References must follow the norms of the American Psychological Association [APA] or Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas [ABNT].
- The submitted file must not contain any identification of the authors; will be included later in the edition.
- The authors are aware that the submission of the text is free, however, there will be a processing and publication fee, which should only be paid when the article is approved.
- The authors agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the site.

Submissions can be made through the OJS system or by form (choose only one form of submission).

The authors in the submission authorize the editor to make formatting changes in their text to adapt to the format of the journal.

Deadlines and Processing-Publication Fee
The period between submission, evaluation and approval is 20 working days (if there are delays, the authors will be informed exclusively by email). Only after approval will the main author be informed about the payment of the processing fee (R$ 200.00 - two hundred reais for Brazilian authors; U$200.00 - two hundred dollars for authors from other countries). Once the processing fee has been paid, the article will be published in the next issue of the journal. Two copies of the printed journal issue will be sent to the address of the 1st author registered in the submission (the journal is not responsible for filling out the form incorrectly).


Papers in English, Spanish and Portuguese will be accepted, covering articles from 10 to 30 pages, comprising:
Expanded abstracts: from 10 to 12 pages;
Articles with partial or complete results: from 10 to 30 pages;
Reports of Experiences or Practices: from 10 to 30 pages;
Theoretical, practical or methodological essays: from 10 to 30 pages;
It is admitted that each text submitted to the journal is signed by a maximum of 6 (authors) including main author (1) and co-authors (5), requiring that at least one of the authors has completed graduation.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.